Welcome to my post blog for Music identity class. It is interested to know about what the music can influence people's daily life without being noticed. Also, music can actually make a great change in human culture and social environment, even in politics! Hard to believe, right? I am used to doubt about this conclusion. However, when we start to study the cases from people in our daily life and real world issues, we will suddenly realize the magic power of music. Let's see what I find in this class.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Follow me

The very first time I heard this music, I was deeply attracted. At the same time, an emotion inside my heart showed again. I prefer to call this kind of emotion as Id. Id is actually a psychological word described a kind of psychic apparatus. In general idea, id means the basic desire and instinct from human nature. For me, I will put the element of adventure to it, which means that I define the id as the basically adventurous essentiality inside my body. So, the song "Follow me" from a Japanese animation movie suddenly changed my emotion from the original way  to the Id way I think of my life. The completely new idea of Id should be the ultimate object I connected from the beginning sigh of this song.

As I said in the song print, I am definitely an adventurous people who value a life with various challenges. However, during my childhood, I used to consider myself never to be a risk taker in any kind of situation. I was really conservative when I faced new things. In fact, taking the IFS class here is just one thing that I could not imagine at that time. Within this kind of frame,  I found that this song actually contains all the three kinds of signs --- icon, index, and symbol, in a way Peirce named "semiotic chaining processes" in our textbook.

The song is a vocal-based music which talks about an abstract willing. However, the melody of this song is clear enough for me to be an icon to refer to those songs with great sadness. When I felt the sadness through the music style,  I also felt a loss of something through the music. Then I looked at the lyrics and tried to find out what this song talks about. I prefer to call it a poetry rather than a lyrics. The symbol of this song, the lyrics, shows some sentences which resonates many emotions in my heart. The Japanese woman singer sings "Follow me to a distant land this mountain high, Where all the music that we always kept inside will fill the sky". This sentence directly explain the feeling of being alone and also reminds me the dream in my childhood ---- go for adventure and find the unique view of the world that others have never seen before. Actually, this part of lyrics describe the wish I concealed deeply in my mind for a long time. As I remember the wish in my heart, I immediately recognize the the time when I talk my dream of adventure with my friends.

This song, in those ways (iconic, indexical, symbol), not only interprets the meaningful sadness that I forget something important from my true identity, but also demonstrates the strong emotion that I wish I could keep my adventure. This two emotions are all from the "Self Ocean". The point is that I want exactly the emotion of being adventurous to be my identity. And the finally the sadness of this song make the emotion come up from the "Self Ocean". It wakes me up and call the Id of myself back to me.

The Lyrics:
Follow me to a land across the shining sea
Waiting beyond the world that we have known
Beyond the world the dream could be
And the joy we have tasted
Follow me along the road that only love can see
Rising above the fun years of the night
Into the light beyond the tears
And all the years we have wasted
Follow me to a distant land this mountain high
Where all the music that we always kept inside
will fill the sky
Singing in the silent swerve a heart is free
While the world goes on turning and turning
Turning and falling


  1. Hey Deling! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your song and story! The song was very pretty and I liked the fact that you picked an english one. By the way, I must say that your english is excellent for you having to learn it as a second language. I can relate when you talked about going out in the world and being adventurous. Although, I haven't had as much international experience as you, I respect your passion for exploring. Good job!

  2. Your post is so inspiring! I appreciate your sharing of your sense of adventure, and I can definitely see what you are speaking of in your song. You've been very brave in following the same sense of travel and wonder in this piece... Thank you for sharing some beautiful music. :D
