Welcome to my post blog for Music identity class. It is interested to know about what the music can influence people's daily life without being noticed. Also, music can actually make a great change in human culture and social environment, even in politics! Hard to believe, right? I am used to doubt about this conclusion. However, when we start to study the cases from people in our daily life and real world issues, we will suddenly realize the magic power of music. Let's see what I find in this class.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Contra Dancing

The last class was the contra-dance which held in the Bloomington Boys&Girls Club. It was not the first time I saw people dance together for fun, but it was actually my very first time to take a part in the dance myself. And I found it really fun spontaneously and wanted to participate more of this kind of activity. What I found in the contra-dance was that participatory social event really united people together and it could help many people to enjoy their life a lot by only taking a little time. And the flow state appeared for every one in the contra-dance, which was amazing because people were not in the same level of dancing skill.

In China, people have a kind of social dance called "Guang Chang Wu", which can be translated to "Square Dance". The square dance means that people, usually older than 40, come together after dinner and dance as a large group. This kind of dance does not directly offer interconnection for those dancer, but the cooperation as a group and the connection after the dance. Usually, this kind of dance will happen with some Chinese pop-music in great volume. In fact, it is a good way for old people to exercise and hang out in the social place. However, the phenomenon is the same as in the contra-dance, which the participator will enjoy the time and make social connection. On the one hand, in contra-dance, I almost know every one and make connection because I dance with them. On the other hand, people in China talk about their life, family and work and share their stories  after the "Guang Chang Wu". The difference is the value, but the similarity is the result. People want to enjoy the dance with people in their community through contra-dance as people want to exercise to keep health in the square dance. I find that the form of social events like contra-dance and square dance should base on the culture formation. In fact, it is hard to let 100 people in China to dance with every one in a group with quick music. At the same time, it is hard to call 100 people out as a group to dance in regular schedule.

One thing I found was that actually participatory social activities can combine with other form of activities and made influence even more. The contra-dance was a perfect exam because I found the presentational music and cooperative teaching really made the events more creative and amused. Musicians prepared great music which helped people dance better. And the cooperative teaching encouraged greenhorns to participate. All those thing happened together helped to create better flow state. 

I am planning to go back to the club and have a contra-dance with anyone in the community who love the activity. Those people who danced with me at that night really changed my thought about community dancing and social activities. I enjoyed a lot especially with a old lady whose name was Mary. She taught me a lot about the dancing skill and she encouraged me to participate. It was surprised to see a old lady being patient with a 19 year old asian boy who had never danced before. While she was dancing with me, she told me a lot about the great moment here in the community. I appreciated to her sharing and the teaching. So, I hope to dance with Mary and many other people in the club for next time.

Consequently, I would invite my Chinese friends and other international students to come to the contra-dance and have a same experience. The release and happiness from the dance will help a lot for people who have a stressed life. If more people can join this kind of social event, they will be able to feel and rethink about the social relationship in their societies. Once they notice the possibility to reshape the social environment they live, the better life  could be created by culture cohort with people who can be unified together. This is essential in both developed and developing world, since the modern society separate people's life and the connections between the people around us are supposed to be strengthened immediately. 

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