Welcome to my post blog for Music identity class. It is interested to know about what the music can influence people's daily life without being noticed. Also, music can actually make a great change in human culture and social environment, even in politics! Hard to believe, right? I am used to doubt about this conclusion. However, when we start to study the cases from people in our daily life and real world issues, we will suddenly realize the magic power of music. Let's see what I find in this class.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

An amazing day in the Farmers Market

Farmers Market

This was not the first time I went to a farmers market, but it was the first time I enjoyed watching people related to so many activities in the market. In fact, farmers market is a common phenomenon in China because the population of Chinese farmers is large. More than 300 million people living in rural area in China support their lives either by selling fresh farm products or by working in cosmopolitan area. So, people in China do not go to supermarkets to buy fresh vegetables, meats, or even milk. Instead, they will go to a place called “Cai Shi Chang” in Chinese, which has the basic functions as farmers market in the United States. However, I saw many things like live music play, political activists, crafters’ amazing products, which are impossible to be found in “Cai Shi Chang”.

What surprised me was the participatory atmosphere in the farmers market. Although the rainy, cold, and humid weather conditions stopped most people just in front of their doors, a large number of people among Bloomington community showed up on 401 N Morton Street. The bustling market was full of people who wanted to purchase the fresh apples, tasted original maple syrup, selected unique crafts made by hands, listened music play, and enjoyed weekends with their families waking around the market. As one of the farmer addressed, “People just want to come and spend time here, it almost becomes a kind of habit”. It was actually the way same as the participatory music. Every one wanted to join in the market and the seller & consumer relationship was not necessary while people were just having fun here.

Family participation was actually an important part in the market. Parents bought products in the market while their children played together near the fountain. In fact, these families did not participate in the market like they usually spent time in parks or somewhere like that. They actually had fun playing when musicians were playing the music. On the map you can see the icons of kids and adults were almost everywhere in the market. The music was originally in presentational form. Then the music provided those families an atmosphere to participate in. They did not sing or play music. Instead, they danced and saw their family members smiling. When I passed by them and took pictures for them, they did not even notice my existence, which showed a high level of flow situation we introduced from the textbook. They combined in the market and music so much that the noise and tiredness were not able to disrupt them.

In the other hand, though the frame was almost the same for every one, people still did things depended on their different intensions. For example, as I mentioned before, we had people who made crafts and who did political activities there. Every one has their own identity and actually they defined themselves as different roles in the farmers market. My job was to interview and observe people and I was a role of IUB students, while some people had a place to send the idea that people should not eat animals. Those animal protection activities used their identity to spread their belief. At the same time, a group of people set up a table for publicizing the democrats. These people were actually not supposed to be seen in a farmers market, but they still come and join in as a part of the market. Beside those political participations, those crafters showed on the right of the maps talked about how they enjoyed the market with us. A crafter addressed that they wanted to come to the market and they knew lots of people in the community through the market. Actually, the crater’s kid played with other kids from farmers or local families. The same as this crafter, many people in the market did not expect just for earning money, but for participating in the community.

When people share some identities with others, those individuals may start to emphasize their common parts of their identities. Among the society, we see a lot of phenomenon similar to the farmers markets. Even a man like me who possess a different culture could enjoy a lot for this event in the community. The sigh-object term in the aspect of music can be similar to the participatory aspect of farmers market. The market itself should be the sign that interpret a number of objects that represent different identity from people. For example, those political activists use the market as a stage to directly present their ideas. Also, people join the market both in participatory way and presentational way, which are almost the same as the way in music. Families could be a great instance for the participatory way while those farmers and crafters are coming in the market in presentational way.

All those things come together and help people not only have fun on the weekend, but also make the social bonding stronger. This kind of farmers market is a good idea which is valuable for me to tell people in China to have a try. If Chinese people can make this happened in city, social efficiency and community identity will boost a lot for the whole society, and for all human being in the world.

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